Measures of Student Achievement and Success
• PM Benchmarks, assessments, EQAO results, DRA reading assessments
• Student achievement and success are also measured using the following tools: student portfolios, rubrics, self‐ assessment, peer‐evaluation, daily tracking, assignments, tests, projects, conferencing, and through pedagogical documentation.
School Improvement Plans and Initiatives
We are proud of the improvements in student achievement as reflected in our EQAO scores. Our reading scores have improved by 50% since last year. Our writing and math score have improved by 20% in one year. Our School Improvement Plan continues to address literacy, with a particular focus on writing. Our staff work closely with instructional coaches to analyze data and support the implementation of best instructional practices to improve student achievement. Our teachers are committed to working as a team and participate in board‐sponsored professional development opportunities that are in alignment with our system math improvement goals.