Quick Facts
- Queen Mary Street PS welcomes approximately 180 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 each year.
- Our programs include full-day bilingual Kindergarten, the English program with Core French, and two specialized Program classes: Primary Special Needs (PSN) and a General Learning Program (GLP).
- After completing Grade 6, students usually attend Queen Elizabeth Public School or York Street Public School.
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page for more information.
About Our School
Our School Queen Mary Street P.S. is located in the Overbrook Community and opened its doors in 1954. Our school has a diverse community of students, representing many cultures and languages. Students are provided with support, care and opportunities while maintaining high academic and behaviour expectations. Many activities are planned throughout the school year where students from all grades have opportunities to collaborate, mentor, and learn from each other. They gain leadership and teamwork experience by getting involved in teams, clubs and fundraising initiatives.
Queen Mary St. P.S. is enriched by its diverse ethno-cultural and multilingual student population representing many countries and languages. Many students speak a language other than English in their homes.
The Queen Mary staff team hold a wide range of qualifications. They work collaboratively to provide a variety of opportunities to engage our students and to consistently improve student achievement. They are committed to providing an inclusive and engaging learning environment for all of our students.
Community partnerships have enriched our school in many ways. These partnerships include Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre, Growing Up Organic, JumpStart - Canadian Tire, Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Rideau Community Hub, uOttawa Faculty of Education, Ottawa Public Library - St Laurent.
We offer the following academic programs:
- Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction, with an educator team comprising a teacher and Early Childhood Educator.
- English Program with Core French (Grades 1-6): Instruction in the English language in all subject areas as well as instruction in French through Core French (40 minutes daily).
- Specialized Program Classes: Primary Special Needs class (PSN) and General Learning Program class (GLP)
Special Education Programs
Special Education staff provide assessments of students and work collaboratively with the classroom teachers to develop programming for students that is differentiated to their specific needs and requirements. Support is provided within the regular classroom setting as well as individual and small‐group withdrawal when appropriate.
Supports include:
- Learning Support Teacher (LST)
- Learning Resource Teacher (LRT)
- English as a Second Language Teacher (ESL)
Clubs and Activities
Students have opportunities to get involved in a wide range of clubs, athletic teams, and activities. For more details, visit our Teams and Clubs page.
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Borden Ball
- Basketball
- Track & Field
- Intramurals
- Blue Spruce/Silver Birch Reading Club
- Recycling
- Gardening
- French
- Dance
Queen Mary Street Public School includes:
- Library
- Literacy/Numeracy Resource room
- Computer technology in every room
- A gym
- Outdoor Education Area with raised garden beds
- Separate Kindergarten yard with play structure
- Primary/Junior play structure
- Two full‐length outdoor basketball courts
- Andrew Fleck Daycare Centre (attached)
- Our school is committed to ensuring that each student, staff and family know that they matter within our community and that everyone feels safe and welcome.
- Our teachers work on bringing in connections and programming to engage and acknowledge students’ multiple identities including ancestry, background, race, religion/creed and gender.
- Anti-oppression, anti-racism and human rights is ongoing work embedded in daily learning throughout the year. Activities take place throughout the school year as well as ongoing PD for staff including addressing antisemitism training, and more.
- Our library technician continues to focus on ensuring that resources in our school library reflect the diversity of our school community.
- Indigenous families and students are able to connect with our Indigenous Student Coordinator.
- Support for newcomer families are available at the school, including connections to our board’s Multicultural Liaison Officers (MLOs).
- Students are supported by the Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre program at our school.
- Our school participates in the Student Achievement Through Equity (SATE) Initiative.
OCDSB EarlyON Child and Family Centre
The OCDSB operates an EarlyON Child and Family Centre at our school. This centre offers free, high-quality programs for families and caregivers with children from birth to 6 years old. OCDSB EarlyON Centres are open on school days to all families and caregivers in Ontario. For more information, visit the OCDSB website.
Community Child Care Provider: Andrew Fleck Children's Services - Overbrook Child Care Centre
In accordance with the Education Act and its regulations, school boards may directly operate child care programs or they may enter into an agreement with a Community Child Care Partner. The OCDSB has developed and entered into partnerships at a number of elementary schools with Community Child Care Partners. Our Community Child Care Partners are regulated by the Ministry of Education, and licensed under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014. These programs offer a fee based service for children and their caring adults. For information regarding their child care options, please contact the Child Care provider directly at 613-746-7762.